Keys to Life Program
In Celebration of the 80th birthday of piano teacher Mabel J. Robertson, Dallas Designing Dreams in collaboration with Michael D. Robertson II, her grandson, establishes the Keys to Life Program. This is an opportunity for the community to donate keyboards for practice to students who cannot afford to purchase a piano.
Dallas Designing Dreams will donate a portion of its class fees towards purchasing keyboards and encourages others to do the same.
Michael D. Robertson II, an accomplished pianist and graduate of Cedar Valley Community College Music Program, is Mrs. Robertson's grandson. He has a desire to continue his music education & is currently working at Starbucks to save toward attending the university of his choice. While interning with his former Cedar Valley College instructor, Fredrick Sanders (Fresan Music), Michael was asked to tutor students in an after school program in collaboration with the Dallas Jazz Piano Society. There were only 2 pianos at the school and Michael decided to go purchase more for those students who had no way to practice at home. He contacted Dallas Designing Dreams about a keyboard that was not in use, and they gladly donated to his cause. With the momentum gained from the Dallas Designing Dreams donation, Michael went on to various discount shops and purchased working keyboards with his own money to pass out to his students.
It is with that spirit Dallas Designing Dreams is inspired to help Michael get keyboards for any child that needs practice equipment. If you would like to join us in this effort, we recommend donating a 49, 61 or 72 keys or greater keyboard, stool and keyboard stand to help music students further their education.
Click below for example of keyboard kit.
If you would like to donate to help purchase Keyboard kits please click below